With spring in full swing, it’s time to break out your RV and hit the road for some memorable camping trips! At Minneapolis Trailer, we want every RV camping trip you take this spring to be fun and safe. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of tips for making your next vacation special. Read on to learn more, and contact us at our Rogers, Minnesota location if you’re looking to buy a new camper. We also proudly serve the Twin Cities!

Why Go RV Camping in the Spring?

The spring is the perfect time to take your trailer out of storage and head to the woods. The weather will be better than the winter, which makes it easier to enjoy outdoor activities. Flowers and trees will be in full bloom, making for amazing scenery. Animals will start to become active too, so you’ll be able to see some deer or birds on the trail.

You’ll also find less crowded spots than in the summer. When kids are out of school, you’ll find more families at the campgrounds. There’s a better chance that you’ll be able to reserve a post at your favorite location in the spring!

Common Spring RV Camping Problems

Although there are plenty of pros to taking your camper out this spring, there are also some potential problems you need to be aware of.


These pesky pests come out during the sunny season. We suggest bringing some insect repellent to deter them, especially if you’re hiking deep into the woods. You should also bring some itch-relief cream just in case.


Chances are, you’re going to encounter some rain this season. Although you may get lucky, it’s important to be prepared. Pack waterproof boots and clothing so you can still enjoy the outdoors without the rain making you cold and miserable.

Changing Trails

The winter can take a toll on hiking trails. Trees may fall, snow can cause erosion, and trail markers may have disappeared. Make sure to look for updated trail information before you go camping or hiking this spring. 


It’s officially allergy season which means pollen will be out in full force when you go RV camping.  All it takes is one afternoon in nature to get your eyes watering and your nose clogged. Pack some allergy medication and tissues so you’re prepared.

Cold Weather

The sunshine can be deceiving. When you take your trailer out, the weather may still be cold. Make sure you pack enough layers so you aren’t freezing as you camp.

Are you ready for a spring filled with an abundance of fun RV camping trips? We hope this guide helps you make every trip with your trailer memorable. If you have any questions or you want to buy a new RV, call Minneapolis Trailer today. We are located in Roger, Minnesota and proudly serve the Twin Cities, including Minneapolis. We look forward to helping you find the ideal RV for your next road trip!